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Dusque & Dove

Dusque and Dove, these magical nature spirits came to me in a cold evergreen forest. Dove, in nigh white, pale azure feathered catsuit was blonde and lovely. I couldn't tell if she had wings or if it was just streams of light through the trees behind her. At first she was walking away until she noticed me. She then approached and laid me in a cold river. My eyes drank in the moisture of the water. I was aware of the heat of my body streaming around me, the cold water drinking in my body heat. Then through the blur of water as I sunk deeper a dark form appeared behind her. He was cloaked, tall, face hidden in shadow. He wore black furs with iridescent raven feathers adorned about him. His black leather cloak fluttered in the wind and wavered through the watery breaking light of my descent. He stood over her, protecting Dove, overseeing my descent into calmness, into the waters of serenity.


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