Welcome novitiates, attendants, paramours, and scholars to the home and repository of the meandering thoughts, researched articles, and many uncategorized bits of the musing mind of Todd Everhart. Whatever your provenance, I dub thee Sirs and Ladies of the Round Table, where all considerate notions shall be entertained.
Herein lies all the means you require to fight. Grab a weapon from the rack and prepare to hone your skills of battle. My services as Doctore are free and I expect no recompense. Your gladiatorial tools shall be a regular deck of cards. While the rules are simple, they easily lend to role-play. You can play as a dueling swordsman weighing your opponents every move as you count every card your opponent plays. Or you can play as a folk hero instinctively robbing your foes of victory while playing cards chaotically and relying on luck alone. You can play the wild ax swinging barbarian who throws down spade after spade at each opportunity. Or you can play the cautious defender baiting out your opponent until the perfect opening by beginning with diamonds and hearts until their spades run dry. Not only can you role-play a character but the rules of the game lend to a storytelling experience where a blow by blow tale unfolds without effort. So let's get straight to the rules now. Eac...
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